Mon, 25 September 2023
Today we are talking about The Recipes Initiative, the future of install profiles, if distros are still a thing, and answering a bunch of listener questions with our guest Jim Birch. We’ll also cover Quick Links Kit as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics
GuestsJim Birch - @jimbirch HostsNic Laflin - nicxvan MOTWCorrespondentMartin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu
Mon, 18 September 2023
On today’s show we are talking about Single Directory Components in Drupal, How they differ from Web Components, and what are their benefits with guest Mateu Bosch & Mike Herchel. We’ll also cover Component Libraries: Theme Server as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics
ResourcesSingle Directory Components GuestsMike Herchel - @mikeherchel HostsNic Laflin - nicxvan Module of the Week with Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu Component Libraries: Theme Server This module lets you use component libraries, like Storybook, in your Drupal project, without Twig.js! |
Mon, 11 September 2023
Today we are talking about Front End Performance, Common Front End Issues, and Ways to test and fix said issues with guest Andy Blum. We’ll also cover Webp Fallback Image as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics
HostsNic Laflin - nicxvan MOTWCorrespondentMartin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu
Mon, 4 September 2023
Today we are talking about The Future of Content Management, What we see for Drupal in the future, and How AI might factor in with guest John Doyle. We’ll also cover Access Policy as our module of the week. For show notes visit: Topics
GuestsJohn Doyle - _doyle_ HostsNic Laflin - nicxvan MOTWCorrespondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - @mandclu