Talking Drupal
Talking Drupal is a weekly chat about web design and development by a group a guys with one thing in common, we love Drupal. With hosts Stephen Cross, John Picozzi and Nic Laflin.

Today we are talking about A Smaller Core with Théodore Biadala.

For show notes visit:


  • What is meant by a smaller core
  • What modules have been removed already
  • What is the process
  • Chopping block terminology
  • Which modules are under discussion
  • When they go to contrib is there a maintainer first
  • What is the impact to users of the module
  • How long will they be maintained in contrib
  • Why is this important
  • What modules are next
  • What is the commitment to being a core system maintainer
  • Is there going to a sub release process



Théodore Biadala - @nod_


Nic Laflin - @nicxvan
John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi
Tearyne Almendariz - @tearyneg


Swagger UI for OpenAPI UI
Swagger UI is a javascript library which allows a user to explore the api documentation for a web services API. This module provides the Swagger UI library for display of OpenAPI specifications within Drupal site. OpenAPI UI is required to use the project, as it provides the underlying architecture.

Direct download: td-370-libsyn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST