Today we are talking about Non-Code Contribution
- What is Talking Drupal
- Podcast with audio and video
- We recorded our 300th episode in June, over 175 guests, 700K audio downloads
- Weekly episodes covering a variety of topics
- Most recent 315 with Tara King, Director of Developer Relations at automatic, Comparing Drupal and Wordpress Communities
- Visit
- This may be a different keynote than you are accustomed to. Talking Drupal is a discussion, and that’s what we are having today.
- Today we are talking about Non-Code Contribution: Using your passion and skills to power open source.
- What is contribution in an open-source project?
- Providing your time, skills or resources to benefit the project
- Today we’re talking about non code contributions
- Early on contribution was considered writing code
- Over time we have learned to value non-code contributions just as much as code contrib
- Rather than defining non-code contribution by what it is not, we need a term to define it by what it is
- Community is built in meetups, camps, and cons
- Majority of contribution has nothing to do with coding at a camp
- Attending
- Speaking
- Training
- Organizing
- Organizing a camp ( / Nov 19th)
- Volunteering at a camp
- Stephen - Sponsorship, lead for many years
- Nic - Website & Signage
- John - Current Lead, Day of Logistics, Venue coordination
- Some other examples of contribution
- Mentorship
- Documentation
- Training
- Summits
- Being on a committee/Board
- Answering questions in issue queue
- Answering questions in slack
- Who is a contributor?
- Is it a self designation or a community designation?
- Why would you contribute?
- Contribution is a relationship
- Give and receive
- Makes you feel good
- Benefit Skills
- Technical
- Communication
- Project Management
- Benefit Career
- Skills
- Visibility
- Building Personal Network
- Networking at Events
- Financial Compensation
- Contribute does not always mean nights and weekends
- Contribute as part of your job
- Employers are open supporting open source, there are benefits got both company and employee
- Contribute to external project or contribute internal project to open source
- Will your company support your time to make NCC
- 315 we learned about Wordpress’ contribution goals
- Launched in 2014, Five for the Future encourages organizations to contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development.
- Government
- 2016 Federal Source Code Policy
- Support for open source usage, encourage sharing across agencies
- 20 percent created code should be open source
- Start the Dialog with your company
- Why do we contribute - Contribution can be personal like donating to your favorite charity or playing your favorite game.
- Nic
- I was asked
- I enjoy giving back
- Helps my career
- Stephen
- John
- To help people and solve technical challenges for people
- Education and knowledge sharing
- To support something larger than myself / make the world a better place
- How did TD Start
- Long before Joe Rogans podcast deal with Spotify of 100 million
- 2008 - With Liberty and Justice for All - 5th grader
- Obama McCain
- 7 episodes
- Mechanics of podcasting,work involved with pre and post record production
- Virtual book club with Jason Pamental - pick a web design book, assign weekly chapters, Google Hangout
- Like to learn - similar Drupal journeys - makings of an interesting podcast… great reason to talk every week
- When did we start considering it a contribution? When did we start giving contribution credits on
- How did Talking Drupal come to be a non-code contribution?
- It always was a non-code contribution, we didn’t consider it at first because the Drupal community was code focused.
- Credit for TD started 20 November 2020
- Community Projects
- When did the drupal community start supporting NCC
- Why is this important
- How has the show & other non-code contribution impacted our lives / careers
- Stephen
- Friendships
- Have helped others
- Nic
- John
- Connections - Hey you are that guy
- Given me a sense of value
- Gives me a sense of supporting the community
- Why are non-code contributions important
- As valuable to the health of a project as code contributions.
- There are non-code requirements for all projects
- Not everyone is a developer/coder
- Get’s more people with a variety of skills involved in the community
- Moves open source forward
- Challenges of Contributing
- Contribution Imposter Syndrome
- My Contribution isn’t valuable
- Dealing with concerns that it’s not helpful
- Focus on your skills and passions
- Work, life, contribution balance
- Work it into your work
- Build a career based on contribution
- Contrib doesn’t have to be Nights and Weekends
- Add 30 min to the start or end of your day
- If you do tackle one thing a night
- Provide contrib during your workday
- Sustainability
- Projects are easy to do short time,
- Energy is high
- Newness interesting
- Most podcast don’t make it past 8 episodes
- Long term is a challenge
- Pre-show guest scheduling, content planning, shownotes
- Post Production audio and video
- Release and marketing
- 1 hour show = 6 - 8 hours
- Priorities and interests change over time
- NCC easier to transition in and out
- Had to make transition out of my primary roles and I did that, projects have thrived in those transitions
- Be honest with yourself
- How to get involved / How to contribute
- Just get started
- Look at your skill set
- Look at your interests
- Ask in the issue queue or drupal slack for a starting point
- You can also reach out to most camp organizers for recommendations
- Takeaways
- John
- Anyone can and everyone should contribute
- Stephen
- Your contribution is valuable
- Nic
- Code and non code are equal to the long term health of the project
Nic Laflin - @nicxvan
John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi
Stephen Cross - @stephencross
Direct download:
-- posted at: 12:52pm EDT