Talking Drupal
Talking Drupal is a weekly chat about web design and development by a group a guys with one thing in common, we love Drupal. With hosts Stephen Cross, John Picozzi and Nic Laflin.

In episode #127 we talk with Ben Doherty about setting up a local development environment with Vagrant.


  • What is Vagrant
  • Why would you consider using it?
  • What are the benefits of vagrant vs *AMP
  • Difference between Docker and Vagrant
  • How do you install Vagrant
  • Common Vagrant Commands
  • How do you get a local environment setup
  • When using GIT/IDE locally, where does the code sit? How does it work?
  • More advanced uses/configuration
  • Resources


Direct download: TalkingDrupal127.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST